If you already have a spokesperson for your organization we can arrange to bring them into our studio or a studio in their area if our location is not convenient.

Perhaps you'd like to StRut your own presentation. No problem. If you feel confident in doing your own StRut you can be assured that we will make it easy for you. Our studio is fully equipped with a Teleprompter so you won't have to memorize your script and we have production and direction professionals on staff that will help you give your best performance.

If you're a bit queazy about the idea of standing up in front of a camera we recommend that you choose one of our in-house talent to represent you and your organization. They will make sure to deliver your message with the right tone and appeal so you'll be certain to get a great StRut presentation that will engage your site visitors.

Submit the form below to give us an idea of what you’re looking for and we’ll do the talent search for you. Our staff is expert in production; marketing and talent casting, and they’ll put together a selection of talent choice down to a manageable few and save you a lot of time.

And, having some information about your website and how you’d like to use Strut is important. If you’re not sure about any of these questions just provide as much information as you can and we’ll follow up and get the rest of the details.