iMambo Subscriptions
Designed with the professional business person in mind

Network Business Accounts

  Rate per month Maximum transactions Cost per transaction
Master Account 125.00 10,000 0.0125
Master Account Setup 1,500.00 One time charge

Number of graduated licenses per line item Rate per month Maximum transactions Cost per transaction
1 to 50 29.00 250,000 0.0098
51 to 100 20.00 250,000 0.0040
101 to 200 18.00 500,000 0.0036
201 to 400 16.00 1,000,000 0.0032
401 to 800 12.00 2,000,000 0.0024
801 to 1,600 10.00 4,000,000 0.0020
1,601 to 2,000 6.00 10,000,000 0.0012
2,001 Plus 5.00 20,000,000 0.0010

Individual Business Accounts

29.99 CAD
49.99 CAD
89.99 CAD
10.00 CAD
2000 Transactions
Social Media Plugins
iMambo Player
Self-Served Account
5000 Transactions
Social Media Plugins
iMambo Player
Self-Served Account
10000 Transactions
Social Media Plugins
iMambo Player
Self-Served Account
Above pricing is for hosting individual strut video